Home > Durham Street Index > Sawmills Lane

Sawmills Lane

This page shows businesses on Sawmills Lane. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


F E Whalley

General practitioner

Address: Meadowfield Surgery, Sawmills Lane, Meadowfield, Durham, County Durham, DH7 8NH

G C Beggs

General practitioner

Address: Meadowfield Surgery, Sawmills Lane, Meadowfield, Durham, County Durham, DH7 8NH

H J Kemball

General practitioner

Address: Meadowfield Surgery, Sawmills Lane, Meadowfield, Durham, County Durham, DH7 8NH

J C Yule

General practitioner

Address: Meadowfield Surgery, Sawmills Lane, Meadowfield, Durham, County Durham, DH7 8NH

M J Hazell

General practitioner

Address: Meadowfield Surgery, Sawmills Lane, Meadowfield, Durham, County Durham, DH7 8NH


R W Hand

General practitioner

Address: Meadowfield Surgery, Sawmills Lane, Meadowfield, Durham, County Durham, DH7 8NH


Map showing Sawmills Lane in Durham.
